IP English Essays
Have a look at our selection of sample IP English essays.
These are all written in-house by our dedicated research team, directed by Mr Edwin Wong. This selection is curated exclusively for The Rationale Thinking Learning Centre’s prospective IP English tuition students.
We understand that many students do not have the time for additional reading on their own. Hence, our dedicated in-house research team employ extensive research to incorporate the highest quality content into our essays. Week-on-week, our students are provided with current affairs that add to their content knowledge library. These notes condense heavy content to support our students’ revision. Hence, our students are able to gain that competitive edge over their peers in their IP English essay writing examinations.

Discuss whether the government of a country should play an active role in regulating social media.
Today, social media or Social Networking Sites (SNS) have taken centre stage in our lives. The SNS giants have acquired many platforms like WhatsApp and Instagram to make themselves even more enmeshed (Cause to become entangled in something) and indispensable in our society and leverage on a very wide user base. Evidently, this has brought not just benefits but ills and social problems, some of which are so insidious (Proceeding in a gradual, subtle way, but with very harmful effects) as to strike very powerfully at the core of society. Such negative effects of SNS platforms have led to some asking if local and national governments should step in and enact legislation to regulate them. This essay will consider the case for and case against the state’s involvement in regulating SNS platforms.
Humanity is in danger of damaging the Earth beyond repair. Do you agree?
Today, the world is in a precarious state, our sea levels are rising, our flora and fauna are declining, our temperatures are increasing and our environment is being desecrated and becoming hideous year after year. Despite investing so much into preserving the environment, efforts by various governments have achieved limited success. It is safe to say that humanity has created too severe an environmental damage, to a point of no return.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of placing one’s family member in a nursing home?
Today, many households are very busy, and only a very small minority of households have someone free to look after children and elderly parents. Coupled with the rise in the elderly population worldwide, the said trend has led to a boom in the nursing home business. This has had advantages, but we also have to note that putting our relatives in nursing homes also has its pitfalls and shortcomings.
Is nature or nurture more influential in a child’s development?
In the past seventy years, we have discovered what ‘genes’ are, what they do and how we are affected by them. We have now come to a fairly good understanding that its effects even extend downwards into children’s development and achievement ability in many fields (from here on termed as the ‘effect of nature’). However, other researchers, psychologists and sociologists have by and large found that a child’s development could also be affected by external factors (from here on termed as ‘nurture’). This has begged serious questions as to whether nature or nurture plays the bigger role.

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Frequently Asked Questions
What tuition programmes are offered at The Rationale Thinking?
The Rationale Thinking Learning Centre currently offers you two unique tuition programmes to choose from – ‘A’ Level General Paper tuition and the IP English tuition. Find out more about our unique approach to our tuition curriculum here.
Why is there a need for General Paper Tuition and IP English Tuition?
The preponderance of students in Singapore struggle with mastering the Language subjects. However, the English language is arguably the most important subject in Singapore as it is our lingua franca. Furthermore, the daily use of Singapore Colloquial English (commonly known as Singlish) is exacerbating this problem further. As a language specialist, we aim to tackle this prevalent issue. A strong foundation in the English language is vital to acing other subjects such as General Paper, Humanities, Mathematics, Science, etc. and ultimately getting coveted placements in Ivy League Universities.
Here at The Rationale Thinking Learning Centre, we specialise in coaching our students in the English Language and General Paper. Our specially curated curriculum aims to break down the complexity and technicalities of mastering the English language and General Paper to give our students the confidence to attain their Distinctions.
Why should I join The Rationale Thinking?
The Rationale Thinking Learning Centre prides itself in not just enabling our students to score Distinctions for the ‘A’ Level General Paper and the IP English examinations, but we also firmly believe in moulding the next generation to become Global Thinkers. With our carefully curated in-house notes assembled by our dedicated research team, we train and impart our students with the skills and knowledge that are not taught in school. Not forgetting to build up a good character to prepare them for their future careers in the world’s leading industries.
For a start, we offer all prospective students of The Rationale Thinking one trial lesson*. More details about our trial lesson can be found here.
Are your tuition classes conducted in a group setting or individual tuition?
Our General Paper and IP English tuition classes are conducted in a well-controlled group. Unlike Science and Mathematics, the IP English language and General Paper requires more than just rote learning of formulas. It is through the cross-fertilisation of ideas while studying for the language subjects that our students are exposed to various ideas, opinions and perspectives – the perfect environment that stimulates critical thinking. This will ultimately aid them in crafting a coherent essay during their examinations. While we aim to provide a broader view of the language subjects, we also refine the curriculum to suit our students’ needs, rectifying their weaker aspects and cementing their foundation before building upon it.
Who is the tutor?
Mr Edwin Wong personally coaches his students for both General Paper and IP English tuition programmes. He is a well sought-after English language specialist, revolutionary thinker and transformational teacher. He has helped numerous students achieve Distinctions in their IP English examinations and their ‘A’ Level General Paper and many of them have gone on to secure placements in competitive academic courses in local universities or obtained Public Service Commission (Overseas Scholarship) with Ivy-League Universities.
I am interested in the tuition programmes. Are trial lessons offered?
Yes! We offer all prospective students of The Rationale Thinking Learning Centre one trial lesson* of either General Paper or IP English tuition programme. The trial lesson is chargeable upon official registration for regular classes. Otherwise, your trial lesson will be complimentary. More information and details can be found here.