
Cora一直对英语有些挣扎。 但在Edwin老师的指导下,她终于取得了A+。

Cora Soong(德明政府中学,DHS)


我还记得第一堂课时,我收到一堆黄纸的资料,里面就是Edwin老师自己研究与撰写的IP英文阅读理解语言技能。 在Edwin老师的指导和强化操练下,我完全理解并内化了课程中教授的概念和技能,并成功地将其应用于我的知识产权考试中。 

此外,Edwin老师还介绍了 “短临界反应”(Short Critical Response),这是我今年刚接触和测试的内容。 尽管我们完全不知所措,但Edwin老师还是会提供清晰的解释,并指导我们回答问题,直到我们完全能够自己动手。 通过他为我们准备和练习的时事,我能够了解更多本地和国际新闻,并从完全不同的角度剖析问题,同时将这些新发现的信息写入我的考试答卷中。 黄老师还清晰地讲授了应用题 (Application Question)。尽管我在学校是第一次参加 AQ 考试,但我获得了满分,总成绩从 C 级跃升至 A+。

Zi Xi 开始对英文有感兴趣,而且从 B4 进步到 A1!

Fang Zi Xi IP 英文 圣尼各拉女校

Fang Zi Xi (圣尼各拉女校,CHIJ)

我是在IP三年级开始时第一次参加Edwin老师的IP英语补习。 我在作文方面很吃力,在中学二年级的 EOY 考试中只取得了 18/30 的成绩,仅为 60% (B)。 我发现自己很难了解永无止境的时事,因此无法为中二的议论文做好充分准备。 

在 Edwin 老师的指导下,我们不仅对国际时事有更深厚的了解,而且在写作时能够阐述我的论点。 此外,虽然中二到中三的阅读理解话题难度更高,但我成绩仍然有大量的进步。 在中三至四时,我周围的朋友都因考试难度而退步,我本身却慢慢地进步了,而且还比中二的进展更大。

最终,我 IP 英文成绩从个 B4 跃升到 A1。谢谢 Edwin 老师! 谢谢 Edwin 老师!

从GPA 2.8 分到 4.0 分! Ang Chong Zhe做到了!

Ang Chong Zhe (德明政府中学,DHS)

“我记得我第一次考IP 英文考得非常糟糕,我在班上得分最低。我加入TRT教育补习中心IP英文补习课程后,我发现Edwin 老师给的资料非常有利。因为他简化了IP英文阅读理解的语言技能,让我能够快速内化并应用所学到的技能。在短短的时间内,我达到了完美GPA 4.0 分。”

在两个月之内,Sean 的成绩跃升到GPA 4.0 分


Sean Tan(德明政府中学,DHS)

“因为Edwin 老师教授法有效,而且他非常有经验,他知道应该传授哪些重要知识。虽然他的 IP 英文补习课程资料众多,但他的课总是很有趣的,因为他经常分享与主题相关的小故事。加入Edwin 老师的 IP 英文补习课程后,我的学业不仅进步了,而且我也开始更了解世界各地的时事。”

其他TRT GP补习学生也在新加坡直通车课程

Zhang Bowen (莱佛士初级学院,RI)

虽然我在了莱佛士书院直通车课程班 (IP),但我英文基础一直以来不强。 在IP中三至四时,我英文成绩只不过是GPA 2.8分。 在中五年终General Paper考试,我退步到个D。 在中六整年里,我GP成绩充其量只是 C。


除了课程教材,Edwin老师每周还特地与我们分析时事。 他也是一位非常有爱心和热情的老师,经常问候我们在学校的表现。 我总是觉得Edwin 老师的 GP 课程很有趣又充实。 最终,我在三个月内成功地获得了A!

IP中四英文与A水准英文 (General Paper)相差很大,我推荐所有IP学生早期跟Edwin老师开始补习,让他为你打好英语语言基础和培养欣赏政治和时事的欣赏性。

Andrew Cheam (德明政府中学,DHS)

我在德明政府中学(DHS)的General Paper考试中获得E级后,决定注册Edwin 老师的JC GP 补习课。 因为我在直通车课程班 (IP),我比较熟悉写作科技和环境的题目。 但升值到 IP 中五后,我发现考试题目变得更加困难,评分也更加严格。 Edwin老师对科技题目非常了解,他便帮我在那题目提升我写作的技巧。

此外,Edwin老师也开始教我比较高难度的主题,例如:民主、人权和艺术等。 这些主题如果掌握得好,可以帮助学生增加获得 A 级成绩的机会。 在Edwin老师的鼓励下,我挑战了自己尝试写这种GP主题。没想到我既然能写出这种高难度的问题,而且获得那么好的成绩。

Edwin老师经常强调奠定坚实语言技能的基础对GP阅读理解的重要性。 在课堂上,Edwin老师也进行许多练习,确保我们继续课程之前掌握好他所教的概念。 接近A水准GP考试,他为我们进行额外咨询课,以纠正我们在预考中犯的错误,帮我们做好充分准备。


回避高难度的题目。 但Edwin老师帮助他在最近的 ‘A’-Level 考试中取得了GP A 级的成绩。


Brandon Loo(莱佛士初级学院,RI)

“我这优异成绩都归功于 Edwin 老师,因为他让我接触到之前由于缺乏知识而回避的GP题目,特别是政治与人权,这在最终的 A 水准 GP 考试对我有益。我记得第一次上他的 GP 补习课时,我被他表达自己的想法和论点的流利性着迷了。虽然起先我对写作高难度的主题有些疑问,但他课程内容丰富,也激起我对世界政治的兴趣。”


about our General Paper and IP English tuition programmes
What tuition programmes are offered at The Rationale Thinking?

The Rationale Thinking Learning Centre currently offers you two unique tuition programmes to choose from –  ‘A’ Level General Paper tuition and the IP English tuition. Find out more about our unique approach to our tuition curriculum here.

Why is there a need for General Paper Tuition and IP English Tuition?

The preponderance of students in Singapore struggle with mastering the Language subjects. However, the English language is arguably the most important subject in Singapore as it is our lingua franca. Furthermore, the daily use of Singapore Colloquial English (commonly known as Singlish) is exacerbating this problem further. As a language specialist, we aim to tackle this prevalent issue. A strong foundation in the English language is vital to acing other subjects such as General Paper, Humanities, Mathematics, Science, etc. and ultimately getting coveted placements in Ivy League Universities.

Here at The Rationale Thinking Learning Centre, we specialise in coaching our students in the English Language and General Paper. Our specially curated curriculum aims to break down the complexity and technicalities of mastering the English language and General Paper to give our students the confidence to attain their Distinctions.

Why should I join The Rationale Thinking?

The Rationale Thinking Learning Centre prides itself in not just enabling our students to score Distinctions for the ‘A’ Level General Paper and the IP English examinations, but we also firmly believe in moulding the next generation to become Global Thinkers. With our carefully curated in-house notes assembled by our dedicated research team, we train and impart our students with the skills and knowledge that are not taught in school. Not forgetting to build up a good character to prepare them for their future careers in the world’s leading industries.

For a start, we offer all prospective students of The Rationale Thinking one trial lesson*. More details about our trial lesson can be found here.

Are your tuition classes conducted in a group setting or individual tuition?

Our General Paper and IP English tuition classes are conducted in a well-controlled group. Unlike Science and Mathematics, the IP English language and General Paper requires more than just rote learning of formulas. It is through the cross-fertilisation of ideas while studying for the language subjects that our students are exposed to various ideas, opinions and perspectives – the perfect environment that stimulates critical thinking. This will ultimately aid them in crafting a coherent essay during their examinations. While we aim to provide a broader view of the language subjects, we also refine the curriculum to suit our students’ needs, rectifying their weaker aspects and cementing their foundation before building upon it.

Who is the tutor?

Mr Edwin Wong personally coaches his students for both General Paper and IP English tuition programmes. He is a well sought-after English language specialist, revolutionary thinker and transformational teacher. He has helped numerous students achieve Distinctions in their IP English examinations and their ‘A’ Level General Paper and many of them have gone on to secure placements in competitive academic courses in local universities or obtained Public Service Commission (Overseas Scholarship) with Ivy-League Universities.

I am interested in the tuition programmes. Are trial lessons offered?

Thank you for your interest in our tuition programmes. Yes! We offer all prospective students of The Rationale Thinking Learning Centre one trial lesson* of either General Paper or IP English tuition programme. The trial lesson is chargeable upon official registration for regular classes. Otherwise, your trial lesson will be complimentary. More information and details can be found here.