GP 范文
以下是本中心的范文,欢迎参考。 范文是由Edwin老师与我们内部研究团队撰写出来的。 以下的范文都是我们General Paper补习学生所用到的教材。
我们了解许多学生没时间自己做额外阅读。 因此,本中心已经帮您做好详细的研究。 每周,您会收到各种GP主题有关的时事和报章,帮您扩大您的内容库。 这些资料简化了重大的信息,协助您容易复习。 因此,我们学生能在考试中胜过他们的同学。

In a borderless world, it does not matter where you come from.’ To what extent do you agree?
STAND: It is indubitable that populism is sweeping through Western liberal democracies and in my opinion, this borderless world (construe as the free movement of people) is under challenge and clearly where you come from matters.
The internet polarises people more than it unites.
Today, technology has advanced to the extent that anyone, including civilians, can exert influence on others via Social Networking Sites. Although the right to freedom of expression empowers minority groups to come together to convey a united voice, defending that prerogative comes at a steep cost – relentless abuse of said right for the proliferation of hatred.
STAND: Hence, I fervently believe that the internet polarises, rather than unites people.
How far is it justifiable for governments to make decisions without the support of the majority?
STAND: Populist politics may be more of a bane than a boon. Decisions that do not benefit the people may inevitably be unpopular, howbeit, such actions may have been imperative for the greater good of the country and the people. What is favoured by the people may not be the best for the nation moving forward, hence it is justifiable for the governments to make decisions without the support of the majority.
Is it fair to say that the Arts do nothing to solve the problems of your society?
In today’s industrialised and globalised society, what people seem to value the most are entities that bring about the most in material wealth and commercial value. To many, arts are typically condemned to spend their eternity on the pristine walls of museums. One merely has to compare the number of artists such as Painters, Singers, Dancers and Musicians to the number of Engineers, Doctors, Accountants and Lawyers to see the stark difference in society’s emphasis.
As such, Arts being intrinsically abstract does not seem to solve the problems of Singapore. However, it is far too hasty to generalise that the arts lack the ability to solve the problems of Singapore; despite not having a significant and tangible economic contribution to Singapore’s GDP (Gross Domestic Product). In the past, the arts satisfy the innate psychological needs of humans and promote unity. Increasingly, there is a heightened awareness that exposure to the arts brings revenue to Singapore.
The promise of science and technology cannot be realised without the humanities. Do you agree?
When introducing the iPad 2 in 2011, Steve Jobs summarised his strategy as: “It is in Apple’s DNA that technology alone is not enough—it is technology married with liberal arts, married with the humanities that yield us the results that make our heart sing.” Synonymous with this seemingly cliché marketing platitude, the advent of new technologies has promised heightened efficiency, convenience and solutions to some of the direst problems the world faces, but not without the partnership of the humanities. Granted, detractors may aver that the lofty language the humanities speak is inconsequential; without the concrete and proven facts. Yet, at the core of the humanities, mankind can seek to interpret and communicate human thoughts, emotions and relations – pivotal to some of the most debated problems faced by the world. Hence, to say that science and technology and the humanities are somehow wholly irreconcilable is a grave misconception. The merits of combining the two have proven that the humanities are tantamount to actualising the promises of science and technology.
‘Technology makes our lives easier but at the same time more complicated.’ Do you agree?
Technologies address the basic needs of humans and are the fundamentals which set us apart from animals. Man has evolved to be able to use his intelligence to question and investigate his environment and from what he has learnt, apply his knowledge to create tools that give him an advantage over his environment. While technology has no doubt brought about great convenience to our lives, it is incontrovertible that it has fueled extremist activities, destroyed Mother Nature as well as enabled the development of nuclear weapons.
Assess the view that attempts to combat discrimination can never be truly effective.
Albeit concerted (planned or done together for a shared purpose) efforts have been made by nations to combat discrimination, hitherto, discrimination – be it subtle or overt, still exists in our society, often unconsciously, and it is an inequitable (unjust) and immoral barrier to human freedom and flourishing. Therefore, it is highly improbable (unlikely) to totally eradicate discrimination.
In times of economic difficulty, should a country still be concerned with environmental conservation?
The 2008 Global Financial Crisis saw the unprecedented bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers Investment Bank and what ensued was Greece teetering at the edge of bankruptcy and needing a cash bailout from the International Monetary Fund and European Union. At that material point of time, politicians from G7 countries were single-mindedly focused on stemming another financial rout, preventing the equities/ stock market from another freefall and bringing the unemployment rate down. When an economic crisis happens, typically a stupendous sum of financial resources are deployed to stabilise the financial markets, rendering the government less concerned with environmental conservation. Detractors may opine that industrialisation and neglect of the environment are inevitable due to unfavourable economic circumstances. Howbeit, environmental degradation may inflict deleterious damages on the economy which runs contrary to the intended purpose of industrialisation. In addition, environmental conservation is key for economies that are environment-centric, for instance, tourism and the deteriorating environment poses a greater threat to our lives as compared to economic crises.

Rationale Thinking 学习中心目前为您提供两种独特的补习课程可供选择 – ‘A’ Level General Paper补习和 IP 英语补习。 点击了解更多。
因为英语是新加坡的通用语言,所以英语可以来说是最重要的科目。但大多数的新加坡学生都有苦难掌握语言科目。 此外,新加坡人日常使用新加坡式英语(俗“星式英语”,Singlish)加剧这普遍语言问题。 身为一名英语补习专家,我们需要对症下药。 扎实的英语语言基础对于学好其他科目(如综合卷、人文科学、数学、科学等)以及最终获得常春藤大学梦寐以求的录取通知书至关重要。
TRT教育补习中心不仅帮我们的学生在GP与IP英文考试中获得优异成绩,并且培养出下一代出色的人才。 本中心内部研究团队每周精心整理最新的课程教材。这些资料对学生非常有益,因为我们所传授的知识是大多数的学生在学校没受教的技能和知识。 在我们指导下,我们希望在每个学生里培养良好的品格,为他们未来在世界领先行业的职业生涯做好准备。
我们有为 TRT 教育补习中心潜在学生提供一堂试课*。 点击了解更多。
Edwin 老师是一位非常吃香的英语补习专家。他在JC General Paper与IP英文科目方面亲自指导了众多学生,帮助他们在A水准英文与IP英文考试中取得优异成绩。在他指导下,许多学生在本地大学的高竞争性学术课程(例:法科、医科、牙科等)中获得录取,有的也获得公共服务委员会奖学金赴常春藤联盟大学深造。
有!我们为所有有意在 TRT 学习的学生提供一节试听课*,试听课程可以是 GP 课程或 IP 英语课程。正式注册正常课程后,试听课程将收费。否则,您的试听课将是免费的。 点击了解更多。